Post List #3

Discovering Affordable Solutions with Geto Global Construction’s Aluminium Formwork Prices

Discovering Affordable Solutions with Geto Global Construction’s Aluminium Formwork Prices

editorApr 20, 20243 min read

As a leading provider of construction solutions, we at Geto Global Construction understand the importance of cost-effectiveness without compromising quality. When it comes to construction projects, one of the key considerations…

Enhancing Construction Efficiency with Geto Global Construction’s Reusable Formwork System

Enhancing Construction Efficiency with Geto Global Construction’s Reusable Formwork System

editorApr 20, 20243 min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of construction, efficiency and sustainability are paramount. At Geto Global Construction, we understand the importance of providing innovative solutions that not only optimize construction processes but…

Enhance Construction Efficiency with Geto Global Construction Formwork Solutions in Malaysia

Enhance Construction Efficiency with Geto Global Construction Formwork Solutions in Malaysia

editorApr 19, 20243 min read

As a leading provider of construction solutions, Geto Global Construction is dedicated to optimizing building processes with our innovative formwork in Malaysia. In Malaysia, where construction projects are thriving, our formwork systems offer…

Enhancing Construction Efficiency with Geto Global Construction’s Aluminium Formwork Building Solutions

Enhancing Construction Efficiency with Geto Global Construction’s Aluminium Formwork Building Solutions

editorApr 19, 20243 min read

As a leading provider of construction solutions, Geto Global Construction stands at the forefront of innovation in the industry. With a focus on efficiency and quality, we offer cutting-edge aluminium formwork…

Unlocking Efficiency and Quality with Geto Global Construction’s Aluminium Solutions

Unlocking Efficiency and Quality with Geto Global Construction’s Aluminium Solutions

editorApr 18, 20243 min read

In the realm of modern construction, efficiency, durability, and sustainability are paramount. At Geto Global Construction, we understand these demands implicitly, and our cutting-edge solutions are designed to meet and…

Understanding the Benefits of Geto Global Construction’s Self-Climbing Platforms

Understanding the Benefits of Geto Global Construction’s Self-Climbing Platforms

editorApr 18, 20243 min read

As a leading brand in the construction industry, Geto Global Construction is committed to providing innovative solutions that optimize efficiency and safety on the job site. One of our standout offerings…



editorApr 17, 20242 min read

铝模板系统现已广泛应用于建筑领域,为住宅建筑和公共建筑项目提供轻质优质模板。工业厂房建筑是铝模板系统的典型应用之一。 GT-48轻型工业模板体系 我们专门为工业建筑项目研发推出了GT-48轻型工业模板体系。该体系采用支撑梁板共支支撑设计,与早拆铝合金模板体系进行融合,释放了支撑间距,拓展了铝合金模板使用范围。该套体系具有可早拆、标准化程度高、可重复使用、可快速周转、成型质量优、绿色环保等综合优势。 此模板体系为轻型结构,适用于现浇框架结构地下室、架空层、工业厂房、冷链仓储物流园等工业建筑。可根据不同的结构形式,选择不同的模板组合方案。 模板体系构件组成 支撑系统48标准盘扣脚手架构件由可调底座、调节螺母、标准基座、立杆、横杆、斜杆、可调托座组成新制构件由托梁横杆、加强横杆、可调套管顶托组件、50*100矩形管组成模板系统墙模系统由标准铝模体系及加固背楞组成,采用标准铝模支模工艺柱模系统由标准铝模体系、方圆扣加固组件、48钢管、直角扣件组成、平板过渡转接件、50*50木方、t15*1830*915木胶合板组成梁楼盖模板系统由标准铝模体系、平板过渡转接件、50*50木方、t15*1830*915木胶合板组成 志特制造适用于工厂建筑的铝模板系统 志特是一家领先的模板公司,在制造创新建筑材料方面拥有多年的经验。我们拥有丰富的建筑项目成功经验,并享有较高的知名度。我们的铝模板系统拥有卓越的性能和耐用性等技术品质。其中,我们的 GT-48 轻型工业模板系统具有以下优势,适合工厂建设: • 标准化:采用全标准化模板,铝模的覆盖使用率达到95%以上。工厂加工工具化模板,加工精度高,模板拼缝整齐,成型效果好。 • 人性化:通过使用不同颜色的模板,方便现场的模板管理,提高工作效率。工具式拼装,现场裁剪率减少95%以上,使施工现场干净整洁,还降低了被分散的材料绊倒或跌倒的风险。 • 经济高效:采用铝模施工的现浇框架结构更规整,成本更低,可以节省材料、清理、人工、后期整修费用。 项目案例:深福保科技生态园提容项目 深福保科技生态园提容项目计划于2025年9月竣工交付使用。该项目规划建成电子元器件产融物流中心,以实现集仓储、分拨、集拼等多种功能于一体的复合空间载体。 该项目总建筑面积约12万平方米,由东和西两个地块组成,总建筑面积近50万平方米。根据不同楼栋和楼层的特点,我们建议采用铝模+盘扣支撑架体或铝模+独立支撑的建筑方案。 这是国内首个大面积高支模盘扣铝模一体化早拆工业模板体系施工项目。在该项目中,GT-48 轻型工业模板系统扩展了铝模应用范围,提高了高支模施工成型质量。同时,它减少了建筑垃圾,使模板可以早拆可周转使用,从而降低了模板使用成本,为项目施工降本增效。 总结 作为工业厂房建设的可靠解决方案,GT-48轻型工业模板系统具有标准化、人性化、经济效益高的关键优势。此外,我们还提供物资供应、现场施工、现场管理一体化服务模式,让客户享受到便捷和高效的服务体验。欢迎联系我们,了解我们的方案如何优化您的项目。 欢迎浏览我们的网站,了解更多关于我们的建筑解决方案和综合服务的信息。 INQUIRY Contact us

Exploring Climbing Scaffolds: A Comprehensive Guide by Geto Global Construction

Exploring Climbing Scaffolds: A Comprehensive Guide by Geto Global Construction

editorApr 17, 20243 min read

At Geto Global Construction, we pride ourselves on offering innovative solutions tailored to the evolving needs of the construction industry. Today, we delve into the topic of climbing scaffolds, shedding…

Exploring Geto Global Construction’s Automatic Climbing System

Exploring Geto Global Construction’s Automatic Climbing System

editorApr 17, 20243 min read

At Geto Global Construction, we pride ourselves on our innovative solutions, and one of our standout offerings is our Automatic Climbing System. So, you might be wondering, whatisAutomatic Climbing System,…

Meet the GETO Global Construction at the 135th Canton Fair 2024

Meet the GETO Global Construction at the 135th Canton Fair 2024

editorApr 16, 20245 min read

The eagerly awaited 135th Canton Fair 2024 Spring is approaching, scheduled to be held from April 23rd to April 27th at the Guangzhou Canton Fair. As a global construction company,…

Discovering the Efficiency of Self-Climbing Formwork by Geto Global Construction

Discovering the Efficiency of Self-Climbing Formwork by Geto Global Construction

editorApr 16, 20243 min read

At Geto Global Construction, we pride ourselves on providing innovative solutions that optimize construction processes and enhance project efficiency. One such solution gaining traction in the industry is self-climbing formwork.…

Geto Global Construction: Revolutionizing Construction with Formwork

Geto Global Construction: Revolutionizing Construction with Formwork

editorApr 16, 20243 min read

As a leading player in the construction industry, we at Geto Global Construction are committed to providing innovative solutions that enhance efficiency and quality in building projects worldwide. One of the…

Discovering Self-Climbing Platforms with Geto Global Construction

Discovering Self-Climbing Platforms with Geto Global Construction

editorApr 15, 20243 min read

At Geto Global Construction, we pride ourselves on offering innovative solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of the construction industry. Among our cutting-edge products is the self-climbing platform, a…

Exploring the Different Types of Aluminium Formwork by Geto Global Construction

Exploring the Different Types of Aluminium Formwork by Geto Global Construction

editorApr 15, 20243 min read

As a leading player in the construction industry, Geto Global Construction is dedicated to providing high-quality solutions tailored to our customers’ needs. In this article, we delve into the various types…

Unlocking the Benefits of Aluminum Formwork in Construction

Unlocking the Benefits of Aluminum Formwork in Construction

editorApr 14, 20243 min read

What are the benefits of aluminum formwork? At Geto Global Construction, we understand the importance of utilizing advanced construction materials to optimize building processes and enhance project outcomes. One such material…

Unlocking Efficiency and Quality: Why Choose Aluminium Formwork with Geto Global Construction

Unlocking Efficiency and Quality: Why Choose Aluminium Formwork with Geto Global Construction

editorApr 14, 20243 min read

As we embark on construction projects, the choice of formwork plays a pivotal role in determining the success and efficiency of our endeavors. At Geto Global Construction, we prioritize innovation…

Unlocking Quality with GETO Global Construction: Exploring the Grade of Aluminum for Formwork

Unlocking Quality with GETO Global Construction: Exploring the Grade of Aluminum for Formwork

editorApr 13, 20243 min read

At Geto Global Construction, we are committed to offering top-notch construction solutions, with a focus on aluminum formwork systems. As an industry leader, we understand the importance of using high-grade…

Exploring the Differences Between Plywood Formwork and Aluminium Formwork

Exploring the Differences Between Plywood Formwork and Aluminium Formwork

editorApr 13, 20243 min read

What is the difference between plywood formwork and aluminium formwork? At Geto Global Construction, we understand the importance of choosing the right formwork for your construction projects. With our expertise in…

Discovering the Drawbacks of Aluminium Formwork in Construction

Discovering the Drawbacks of Aluminium Formwork in Construction

editorApr 12, 20244 min read

As a leading player in the construction materials industry, Geto Global Construction takes pride in offering innovative solutions that enhance efficiency and quality in construction projects. Our aluminum formwork system has…

Discovering the Efficiency of Aluminium Formwork in Construction with Geto Global Construction

Discovering the Efficiency of Aluminium Formwork in Construction with Geto Global Construction

editorApr 12, 20243 min read

What is aluminium formwork in construction? At Geto Global Construction, we understand the importance of innovation and efficiency in the construction industry. That’s why we’re excited to explore the benefits…

What’s the Role of Aluminium Formwork Systems in Factory Construction

What’s the Role of Aluminium Formwork Systems in Factory Construction

getoApr 7, 20245 min read

Aluminum formwork systems have become widely used in construction. They provide lightweight prefabricated molds for both residential construction and public construction projects. Among them, factory construction is a typical application of…

GETO Protection Screen

GETO Protection Screen

editorMar 21, 20243 min read

What is GETO Protection Screen? Protection screen is an innovative safety device attached to structures (floors, beams, or walls) and lifted using a tower crane or hydraulic system. Specifically designed…

Unlocking the Diversity: Types of Scaffolding Redefining Construction Excellence

Unlocking the Diversity: Types of Scaffolding Redefining Construction Excellence

editorFeb 28, 20244 min read

Scaffolding is the backbone of any construction project, providing the crucial support needed to elevate structures to new heights. At GETO Global Construction, we take pride in offering a diverse…